Day 64 – still in Mount Isa

We were hoping to be heading east today, towards Hughenden. But here we still are in Mount Isa! The caravan park have been great with trying to find us somewhere to stay – because seemingly everywhere in Mount Isa has no vacancies! But we’ve got a little cabin here – just super simple with beds, a table, and a tv and that’s about it. But it’ll certainly do for another day or two!

This morning I spent a bit of time on the phone and down at the windscreen place organising things. Hopefully the new windscreen will arrive tomorrow morning, and get fitted at some point tomorrow. Whether that’s in enough time to head to Hughenden tomorrow or not, that’s still up for debate. The windscreen place will also help with doing a better patch job on the sunroof than I did tomorrow, which will be great – as it may need to stay in place until we get back to Sydney. That’s still up in the air.

After all the car stuff was a bit more on track, we headed down to the Outback at Isa centre again. Yesterday we visited their Bush Tucker Experience, but today we wanted to visit the Riversleigh Fossil Discovery Centre. It was amazing to learn so much about the fossils that have been found at Riversleigh – only 250km north west of Mount Isa. Unfortunately we missed one of the usual guided tours, and so we headed in to just look around on our own self-guided tour, wandering through the exhibits they have on display with heaps of information. After about 15 minutes, one of the usual Fossil Tour guides, Edna, came through and asked if we’d like to still see inside their lab (which is only usually a part of their guided tour)! We were very excited to see so many of the fossils that have been collected under their microscopes. We then also got to see the main part of the lab where they have huge acid baths to break down the rocks collected from the dig sites to find the bones – she talked us through the process they do from end to end, and it was quite amazing.

This afternoon we’ve been just hanging out back at the caravan park, watching the Big Freeze and the Melb vs. Collingwood AFL game. We decided to just sit out in the camp kitchen area and watch it – it wasn’t too hot, and in the shade it was really nice. And it was fun to watch it outside on a big screen! Soon a few others joined us. It turned out to be a great game of footy, and that took up the afternoon time nicely.


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