Day 4 – Eden

Today started with a visit to the Killer Whale Museum in Eden. We learnt so much about the history of whaling; but more impressively, the partnership between the orcas (killer whales) and mankind. The orcas would strategically trap blue or southern right whales in Twofold Bay in Eden before alerting the Whalers, who would then kill the whale. The carcass would then essentially be shared between the Orcas and humans. While none of us love the history of whaling all that much, and we’re thankful it’s history lesson only, the story of how the orcas and humans worked together was amazing – both before European settlement and after, with the Yuin people working alongside the Europeans.

We came home to make some lunch quickly, and then jumped in the car and headed around to Boyds Tower, on the south side of Twofold Bay. It was an incredible tower to explore and read a bit more about. Having read so much about the use of Boyds Tower by the whalers back over in Eden at the Museum, it was good to stand at the tower and realise all that went on there.

With still quite a bit of time left in the afternoon, we headed further south towards Green Cape Lighthouse for some more exploring. It was quite a decent drive, and mostly on a dirt road as well. But again, a really incredible sight to see, and plenty of information about the history of the lighthouse, and the many ships that have been wrecked nearby.

On the way home, we did a couple more detours, stopping off at Pulpit Rock and the Disaster Bay lookout, both down on the Green Cape peninsula. There were so many more little turn offs and things to see… but just not enough time! (And the kids were starting to get a bit over the looking.)


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