Day 86 – Hervey Bay

Today was a day filled with beautiful family time. We started with a slow morning at Mum’s place, which was wonderful and welcomed. Before long though, my sister and her three kids came round, and Daniel, Eliza and Alexander had a wonderful time playing with them. There were plenty of laughs and running around and silliness – they only get to see them once or twice a year, so there is always much excitement when they get together.

In the middle of the day, we headed down to see my Nan. She’s 102 now, and still doing really well – although she has her up and down days. She was pretty tired today. Mum went ahead of us to her nursing home, and then brought her just up the road to a little cafe in her wheelchair. Once Nan had her coffee (which she loves!), she perked up a bit and loved hearing stories about our holiday and what places and activities were the kids’ favourite. For 102, it’s amazing how switched on she is – she’s been fully aware of our trip, and Mum has been keeping her updated with our travels. That time with her was really special for the kids, as they didn’t get an opportunity to see her when we were here earlier in the year in summer. Really hoping that she’ll still be here for us all to see her when we’re back at Christmas – each visit is so special.

This afternoon we decided to head down to a ferris wheel that is on the foreshore of Hervey Bay for a ride. Ferris wheels are always a good time, and the kids do love them. We headed down there with Mum, my sister and her two older kids, and we had a great time looking out over the water and the city.

Tomorrow we continue on down the Queensland coast – and for the next few days of the holiday, Mum is going to join us!


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